Monday, November 8, 2010

Yadgna - Sacrifice.

Well this is something tough, at least for me. As we have seen in past few sessions, all about senses, mind and intellect (we haven't discussed but as we progress I think things will get clearer). Now based on these thing we will touch delicate yet important topic of Yadgna (Sorry I don't have Devanagari fonts).
We know that the senses carry tons of information to the mind, I am not saying brain there is a reason for this. This information in raw form is pretty innocuous till the time it is processed. Say for example you had a bad day, that is life isn't but say if you post the whole blame on your boss then probably you are in trouble or say you land up in the conclusion that these things went wrong because of someone else.
So the experiences of the world are going to be pairs of opposites therefore we find pair of opposite people, because their mind have been altered with experiences. Therefore the experiences of these five senses are having no value in themselves till the time they are processed. Now it all depends how they are processed, that is why great people say you should have positive attitude, by this they mean gain the experience where you can learn in right way.
This brings to our topic Yadgna, this is slightly boring, if you have seen the ritual of yadgna, om indraya swaha, indraya idanna mama. They say "This is for indra this is not mine". Which also means that the experiences of world are not mine. Also (I don't think anybody will agree), indra means individual who as conquered his senses. So the other side is person who wants to controls over senses should leave experiences (idanna mama - not mine). So are we suggesting that person should be mute, deaf and blind to the experiences? No not at all.
There we come to what is required in Yagna,
You require
- Firewood (Samidha)
Ideally dried firewood of five different trees are taken. So five also means senses. Dried means devoid of life or doesn't involve in life.

- Ghrut (Cow Ghee, well !!)
Well again this is my favorite and top class thing. Ghrut starts its journey from milk which we consume daily (in some form or other) so this milk means daily experiences of mind. Then as we keep the milk the next day you have cream over it. So which means we gather wisdom out of it and as we know cream floats above milk so wisdom floats above the petty and small things (experiences of life) or the other side is wise men are above mediocre people. And also cream was in the milk which floated above so the experiences are all there wisdom is a scarcity and floats above. Then this cream is mixed with curd for settling (i don't know whether is term is correct). which means this acquired wisdom, knowledge has to be preserved. The the process of churning this curd consisting of cream which results in butter. Now this means that whatever we have gathered has to be churned, thoughts churning is inevitable in any process.
- This is my favorite example, a chess player he thinks during the game and then finishes his game. After the game is finished he just plays the moves again to see how the game has progressed (settling cream with curd), then after the tournament is finished goes back to his library and refers annotated games with similar positions so in fact churning process and he gets navneet (butter) and yet he has to testify this result or analysis or thought process, so that brings us to ghrut which means burning butter with heat or testifying your thoughts with intellect ( here the example is heat, intense heat) so rigours research.

So this is entire thing for Ghrut

- Chanting mantra & performing rituals
Now this is again interesting, (for many people boring though) as we saw mind is responsible for actions, so doing actions with right thoughts (they call attitude these days) is also an objective for yagna.

Now we see the relevance, as we are doing yagna we are burning firewood (five senses) adding ghee (the entire process of ghrut) and taking action (chanting mantra and doing rituals). If you see any person who has evolved he does exactly what we have mentioned above. He sacrifices his senses, purifies his mind (may be to the limited domain) and does his action with a fixed objective in mind.

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