Saturday, February 27, 2010

Mind - The door

We have mentioned that the mind is reflection of senses, mind is also the door to the world. We know the term - "Open minded" where we related the person who is open to new ideas, thoughts etc. So the mind is good door to the world. There are however few things done before we have openmindedness, because mind takes everything the intellect of the person should be very sharp (alert) otherwise the world will manipulate you by offering the opposite pairs of experiences and then the person get confused with everything. We often find open-minded people though very popular are inside facing more miseries.
Introvert person has less miseries or rather manages miseries well. The reason for that is introvert person looks inside more than the world, I am not saying that the person should not be broadminded or openminded but what would like to suggest is that the person should be more (alert) in that case. The person who analysis all the events in this manner could hardly get manipulated with the worlds experiences. The person selectively registers what he want and rest all goes unregistered.
Mind also is responsible for actions therefore the side is also important, many times we find many people are very busy with activities and yet they don't achieve anything significant in life. There are many people in that contemplative stage they don't seem to do anything and yet they are full of actions. Because mind can get manipulated so does the actions of the person and therefore the person reaction to the situation differs and also person to person. The same person reacts differently to the same situation because his past experience has taught him something different. And past experience means worlds presentation to the mind. Most often, in these cases intellect is absent.
Mostly all our actions are done my mind and therefore we continue to repeat the same things all over throughout our lives, and learning curve is not that fast. We often find people having same environment for years together. Rich men continue to get richer and poor continue to get poorer. This is because constantly we get same environment and therefore the thoughts are same and the mind remains the same and we never grow or we never change our mind.
That is the reason why many people are advised change either in the environment or city or the company. We many times see that the person just changes his house and suddenly his luck or circumstances get changed. This is the precise reason why this fluke happens, but deeply we can know that when his environment changes, unknowingly mind is given different sets of inputs and hence his decision making becomes different and hence the results. There are many such techniques where actually the person is supposed to break is routine and do something else this is given some spiritual background like for example astrologist tell to visit temple or do something, so eventually the person is brought to entirely a different set of conditions which he has never followed or done and thence accumulate something which is beneficial for him and therefore his thought process and hence the result.
This is a very deep rooted philosophy and has to be delicately handled the reason for that is many spurious people take advantage resulting in loss of reputation.

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