Thursday, February 25, 2010

Concept of BMI - Body, Mind and Intellect.

[The below is text-bookish]
Well we know the concept of mind and the senses, we actually operate at four levels i.e. body, mind, intelligence & soul (Atma) first three are the things which are relatively easy to explain, Atma is most difficult to explain or rather atma cannot be explained it has to be just realized by experience of self-realized person.
Well we find that body is very easy to understand children also know it and everybody know what a body is all about. Mind the seat of emotions is slightly difficult to understand as with all of our experiences it is difficult to read a persons mind or his moods or emotions. We always feel that the person as responded wrongly or we have taken anything wrongly. So mind becomes more complex than the body to understand. This difficult to understand mind makes our day to day life very miserable. The reason for that is many times we don't percive things properly or the other person doesn't and that causes all the chaos. Mind the seat of emotions and also holder of desires makes all the actions so complex that even the person in himself doesn't understand the mechanism of mind and lands in things which he should have been avoiding normally, and that is the reason why a neutral person or a third person perceive things quite differently than the person himself.
Further when we go at intellectual level the things will be still more complex to handle or understand. If we taken examples of the mathematical symbols or the noble laureate's papers we hardly can figure out what it is all about, though roughly they and we operate at the same level of intellectual exertion. Again chess players who think (intellectually) are also applying the same thing and hence it become very tough to understand intellect.
Therefore as we move from body to intellect things become tougher to understand and therefore all the people, (mostly) try to operate at the body(physical level) because that is the most simple and ease way to operate. We also find that there are very few noble laureates. This we find everywhere, we have 8 directors in a company but 15,000+ employees in the company, we find only few getting 65% or 75% plus in classroom and so and so forth.
Let us reverse the situation, intellectual person will always go beyond body and mind to accomplish his intellectual goals a common example we can see is a person preparing for IIT's or IIM's or for that matter board's exam will sacrifice his emotions by not watching tv or say not doing activities that give him pleasure (mind domain) and concentrate on studying, will also sacrifice body as in case will eat less or will sleep less (body domain) and will try to achieve what he has fixed. The same is the case with scientists, noble laureates etc. and even workholics. Here because the activity falls in intellectual domain mind and body is absent or we can say these two are just for mediation for mind. This is the second highest level of activity the person can do, first offcourse is self-realization (which actually takes a lot of toll).
When we look at the mind level the activities which are related to emotions and desire we generally find that intellect is absent a common example would watching television for entertainment so eventually we watching things which are shown to us for having fun there we are gaining a minimal knowledge but using mind and sacrificing body. We also find gamblers with the same level they keep on gambling till they lose or till the drop, sacrificing body and offcourse intellect is absent. So all the mind related activities will sacrifice body and would use intellect to the minimal. There are numerous such examples to illustrate all that.
We then come to physical level where actually both mind and intellect are absent we breathe, we see and there are many other things we do are just things where the mind and intellect in not involved and that is the reason actually we do those things very well. We are never taught breathing neither we are taught for thirst or sleep. So this is the simplest level to operate. And that is the reason why many of us struggle.

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