Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Mind - Reflection of senses.

We have two tools one is mind and the second is the intellect. Mind is double edged-sword it can create wonder and also it can cause debacle. In case of self-realized person mind is absent. I wrote this just to surprise that if mind is absent then what must be the thought process and if there is no pondering mind then what?
We just caught in wrong puzzle, the probable answer in my mind is when we are engaged in some activity we forget either the past or future we are just occupied in the present situation or to be exact in words current work. We are only pondering or the mind ponders when there is no work or the mind is not occupied. The more we are in the work or occupied there is possibility of mind pondering. So in a sense mind in self-realised person being absent also would mean that pondering mind.
We see that chess players irrespective of their level they concentrate very hard, they have certain plan and therefore their mind (focus) is on the play at that time you ask any chess player we will be more interested in the move to be played and less interested in his personal issues. This also indicates mind more consumed on the task and therefore probably self-realized person would with his intellect try to engage his mind in particular task, probably spiritual development or spiritual developed person does not need mind to perform any task.
Anyways we are into something that is not yet known, the mind is representative of senses. Mind also reflects how the person has evolved either spiritually or otherwise. Mind is formed by what the world offers to you. The world enters through five senses and hits the mind. A person feels happy if the world gives him what he wants and vice-versa. So the mind can be controlled by sense objects, this is difficult to understand but true.
Actually there is/was a tactic extensively used by germans to brain-wash an enemy to the extent that the same person used to fight against his/her own nation. [I am sorry don't want to hurt anybody's sentiments for feelings, this just an example.]. So actually what they used, they used all the sense object to control the mind of the person.
Therefore what we can conclude out of all that is mind represents all the senses and sense object that we are in touch with. Therefore what we generally say is sanskar, a person with good sanskar (good nurture) has being brought up in such a way that his mind is good in general. We all know, "The man is known by the company he keeps". Therefore the communication of world with the help of senses makes the mind (in general) to the level that what all the person has in his mind is all reflection of what he has suffered or enjoyed and that is beyond his karma (scope of karma) and also known as prarabdha, where intellect is absent.
We may get depressed by the above reading and yet I mentioned it as powerful tool earlier.
It is a tool because if it is trained well it can perform wonders. Actually as we know that mind constitutes what world offers to you. The same analogy can apply if we want to restructure mind. That means if we are in the envoirment where we are in, if we can change that we can change wour mind or atleast guard against debacle. My mother always used to tell me, "It is better to be illiterate, than be literate and do nothing about yourself".
That is where education and other things come in picture. The more educated (in real sense) we are the more it is to train our mind or restructure the same. The reason for that is while taking knowledge or education we are actually training our mind for helping it to help us. The mind as we all know is also responsible for communicating back to the world. So if the mind is better the communication is still bettter.
The mind also main factor in doing karma [work and action, although it is different and needs some other treatment] and therefore if mind has a better hold then the action or work will be more enhanced and better outcome is expected out of it. We haven't touched the topic of changing mind and the behaviour that we will be definately touching on in sessions to come. We have just touched what is mind and what is what.

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